
New sci-fi novel 'The Black Hole Bar' to be published by Elsewhen later this year

My new novel, 'The Black Hole Bar', is due to be published in e-book and paperback by Elsewhen Press later this year. Set in the year 2085 its about a Methane Gas company PR man called Simon who stumbles into a writers' group meeting in the aforementioned Black Hole Bar on level five of Docklands Spaceport on the fringes of the dirty bomb ruined city of London. He's a part-time writer as well and persuades them to let him join in with their monthly competition to win the much coveted Black Hole 'Rock' first prize. Simon's on his way to Titan, work not pleasure, and as the competition continues and more stories are told, including his own, he's split between staying until its conclusion or catching his flight; and the presence of an enigmatically beautiful girl called Dani isn't' helping him to reach a decision that could change the rest of his life. Here's the link to Elsewhen's press release:

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